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Monday 2 December 2013

18. Getting up Early for Zealouszestyling

Hi friends,
A very good day/night to you all. People fall in two categories based on their rising habits. One kind of species commonly found mostly in the older generation are early risers and most of the species from gen x consider getting up early a not so cool thing Anyway they wonder how parents expect them to get up early after sleeping so late either studying or partying 

I have always being an early riser since childhood. And I have tried experimenting getting up late too and I think being an early riser suits me better. But my early rising stops at 5.30 a.m. By the way the whole aim of writing this is to motivate myself to get up at 4.00 a.m. everyday. There is a lot of creative work for which I cannot create the right atmosphere as the day unfolds and I have used this golden hour time frame previously rather fruitfully so I know how beneficial it can be. 


My reasons for not immediately turning into an early 4. a.m riser.........
  • My trick of keeping the alarm far away cannot work because it's just 4.00 and I still have 1 full hour in hand so without much thought I hit and shut off the damn thing. (Some smarter trick for getting up early anyone?)
  • Was up late the previous night so if I get up soo early I will feel drowsy in the day time.
  • If I don't catch up on the required amount of beauty sleep my dark circles will become darker. 
  • What if it triggers Sleep Apnea ?

  • Lack of sufficient amount of sleep will make me put on weight. (Too much sleep also makes one put on weight).
  • What if I were to oversleep later and miss my Gym ( OMG).
Excuses and excuses....... so let me try getting up for a few days consistently at 4.00 a.m (should I make it 4.30 ?)  and see if any of the fears mentioned above are true, if yes I will accept that 5.30 is good enough for me.So if you want to get up earlier than your normal time or else are a set of lazybones (like many of my friends) who patronize late rising let's  go through the advantages of getting up early. May be it might have a positive effect on at least some of you reading it if not me.

5 Benefits of rising early.

  1. More hours to work. One hour per day gives you 7 extra hours per week which can be utilized to do things which you love.   
  2. Whole day is in our hand to plan and execute our agenda unlike the night time when even if you remember some pending jobs you have limited time at your disposal.
  3. You can work without any disturbance. I have done a lot of craft work like emboss painting, writing etc in the wee hours of morning.
  4. Our biological clock is perfectly tuned so life processes like excretion, digestion, respiration, nutrition etc are pat on time and carried out more efficiently and hence we have lesser health issues. (Keep it up early risers we are in harmony with the nature's cycles.)
  5. More ideas flow in the mind , specially when you are into creative writing.

Well these are my thoughts about getting up early  and also the reasons one should get up early if you have some more reasons kindly share with me. Here are two quotes on rising early.

"I never knew a man come to greatness or eminence who lay abed late in the morning."---- Jonathan Swift.

"It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth and wisdom."----Aristotle(Philosopher)

(Wow wealth and wisdom too in addition to health!  )

Thank you for reading.

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pic courtsey: Websmileys

Wednesday 20 November 2013

17. Tidying the mind for Zealouszestyliving

Hello friends,
A very good day/night to you all. In my previous post on tidiness I mentioned about being tidy in the office and house. 
How about tidying the mind ? The mind is a maze of thoughts and has to be tidied periodically just like the immediate environment of our house, workplace, computer and online activities etc. I am not referring to meditation and peace which I have mentioned in an older post, though tidying the mind is also one of the ways leading to achieving mental peace.

Need to tidy the mind

  • Memories of sad and bad experiences and happenings from our past which cannot be reversed seep into our mind when we least expect and we get caught into them, this makes our lives zeal less 
  • Memories of our mistakes which has caused us a severe loss in some way or the other disturb us 
  • Our behavior towards others is abnormal when our mind is saturated and not typically "us" so others may wonder what's got onto us    especially since they cannot read our mind.

How to tidy the mind(5 tips)
  1. Always keep yourself occupied in some way or the other. Since an idle mind is said to be a devils workshop,  let's assume that an occupied mind is an angel's abode .
  2. Concentrate on the job at hand even if it is some leisurely activity. Many a times we are watching the tele but our mind is somewhere else.
  3. Do not procrastinate, immediately move on to your next chore or if you aren't up to doing some specific thing pick up a leisurely activity immediately.
  4. Trim thoughts like the way you trim plants and shrubs only then the good leaves and flowers of useful thoughts will bloom. What I mean is cut the stream of a negative thought gently after a while and end it the best way possible.e.g. When the stream of thoughts of a deceased person whom I miss dearly enters into my mind, before it can drift into the sequential negativity of me feeling that things would have been different had the death not occurred,   I trim it and end it thinking that the person concerned must be watching from above and being happy that me and my family members have come this far.
  5. This last tip is very difficult to follow , if you have been hurt by someone emotionally specially by someone outside your family or friend circle whom you cannot deal with. Forgive, forget or avoid the person or else keep a strategy ready in such a way that you do not permit the person to get back at you at the same time you are not vindictive. Otherwise you will be thinking day in and day out about such incidences and sulking.
 So friends are you with me when I say that a tidy mind will permit us to live with zeal and zest ? Thank you for visiting this blog and reading this far, I hope you liked what you read. Please write to me about your feelings on this topic and take good care of your mind.
I bid adieu for now leaving you to ponder upon this lovely quote with a deep meaning.

"Be careless in your dress if you will, but keep a tidy soul." ------Mark Twain.


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pic courtsey:Websmileys

Saturday 2 November 2013

16. Tidiness for Zealouszestyliving

Hello friends,
A very good day/night to you all. The concept of tidiness can be molded into our nature provided we are ready to accept it wholeheartedly at first.

I have been a dedicated tidiness freak since ages devoting over an hour daily to tidiness. One always experiences a heavenly feeling when seeping in the aura of a tidy home or work place. But I do confess that off late due to health reasons and from the time I started my computer based work I have been slack in the tidiness front. Having to work from home appeared to be a comfortable idea but I did underestimate the house as a work area. The "Things to do- job list" does not end and there are no holidays.  So I kept on catering for tidiness as on required basis and avoiding as much as possible most of the times, the other jobs being on the priority list. 

In my heart of hearts I was never very contended (no one is) but thankfully a casual compliment by my nephew got me back on the track once again. He genuinely complimented me for a well maintained and beautifully decorated house when actually I had done a superfluous effort. I was really ashamed as I knew I didn't deserve the compliment. So, while I am DT(deeply touched) with "tidiness" let me write about it. It comprises of the reasons one should be tidy and ideas and short cuts(which may appear to be long cuts) in keeping the house tidy.

Why should one be tidy

  • Tidiness is infectious and reflects and affects all other aspects of your life too.
  • It saves a lot of time as you can find important things easily.
  • Being tidy is contagious and a good habit to pass on to your juniors and people who visit your home; in case of office -  visitors, colleagues, seniors etc.
  • The positive impression people carry with them about you will remain with them forever.
  • Tidiness encourages you to perform your duties (No one likes to work in an untidy place).
  • It contributes to overall well being (Zealous zesty living  )

5 Tips to maintain tidiness.
  1. Arrange your things in such a way that retrieval of things is easy and while taking out frequently used things the rest of the arrangement does not get ruffled with usage. e.g. The clothes you use often should be in the nearest rack, the other stuff which you use rarely may be in the top racks. 
  2. Sort things into groups and store or arrange them so that maintaining tidiness is easier. 
  3. Earmark places, drawers, racks or cabinets for each and every thing according to their importance. Earmark a place for unimportant and rarely used things too. In an office this is very important too as things have to be used by varied type of people whose behavior you cannot predict and whom you cannot rebuke heartily like your family members.
  4. If you are short of time on second thoughts even if you are not, attack one drawer/rack/corner/ room at a time. When you go on to the next drawer, do not dump the unsorted stuff in the previously tidied drawer otherwise you can never achieve the tidy state.
  5. Declare an "Operation tidiness" time when the other family members will also contribute otherwise the rate at which they untidy the house will be more than the rate at which you tidy it. This can be done when you are expecting guests. I did that recently and I managed to squeeze in some other major rearranging and cleaning chores as well. (hope my family members don't read this or else they won't be conned into helping me next time  )

One should also not be too obsessed about tidiness and should prioritize it catering to the need of the moment. What I mean is after using the first aid kit for someone who is badly hurt , tending further to the hurt person is more important than placing the kit in the proper place. (This happened with one of my friends) 
So, what do you have to say about being tidy? Have you liked my tips ? Thank you for reading , please do write to me about the tricks you use for tidiness. I leave you with this quote which is a tip in itself till next time.Take care.

"One who wants to keep their yard tidy does not reserve a plot for weeds"---an ancient proverb

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Tuesday 29 October 2013

15. Simplicity for Zealouszestyliving Part 2

Hello friends, 

A very good day/night to you all.This is a the 
continuation of the post on Simplicity for Zealouszestyliving, which you may like to read before reading the last point about this topic  Here,

Simplicity in your Home.
A simple clean, adequately furnished and comfortable house is what one needs. It is easy to maintain and is cost effective as I have mentioned in the earlier post on Simplicity. But, we want to keep renovating our house over and over again, buy that chandelier which we saw at our friends place, or buy that wall piece which we sighted in the mall etc, etc. 

A simple earthen bowl with plants or water along with fresh floating flowers can make a room look cool. You may light candles and put them in earthen small containers like this arrangement which I had last year or
use a simple earthen diya stand ( see the picture in the first post that is intro of this blog.) The look it gives at a dinner party is fantastic but of course it requires an effort to light all those lights , I take half an hour though you may use light series or candles.

Home made wall pieces, craft items made with waste can give a personal touch to your home decor. Here is a simple corner piece which I have made from used bottles. Hope you like it and are inspired to make some more  creative things by using waste. Please mail me I would love to put it on this blog.

Of course I do not claim to be a perfectionist in the art of mastering the technique of simple living and not at all in home decor as I am longing to have a Victorian sofa set and a Chippendale furniture piece which I can very well do without. Not being a millionaire has by default curbed the craving for more lavish stuff luckily.

So, all I can state is we should go for a house which we can afford, (no point in staying in a mansion which you can't afford and having a sleepless night daily worrying about the loan) and meets our basic requirements. By basic requirement I mean if you are a singer or a musician, a recording room may be a basic requirement; a painter might want a studio to work undisturbed and keep his things as his basic requirement and so on.  Have your house decorated in such a way that it is easy to maintain. 
Make your house as comfortable as possible. Buy kitchen appliances which save time (if you are a busy person), if you have some limitations have gadgets in the house which will be helpful to you and so on. Simplicity does not mean that you should be frugal in making your house comfortable and more functional. did you get the point I am trying to put across ? Do you agree with me ? Please share your feelings and views. 

(By the way if you are an extremely thrifty person please disregard this and the previous post, remember we are thinking of being simple to live with zeal and zest! and not to live without zeal and zest simply!)
 Here's a quote on Simplicity which I am sure you will enjoy.

"As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler, solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness"                                                      
                                       --Henry Thoreau 

Thank you for reading this blog ,hope you enjoyed reading take care.

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Friday 25 October 2013

14. Simplicity for Zealouszestyliving Part 1

Hello friends, 

A very good day/night to you all. The title of this post is Simplicity for Zealouszestyliving, Simplicity and a zealous zesty life may sound like an oxymoron (Two opposite meaning words used together). You may wonder that on one hand I am wanting to make our lives(yours and mine)  zealous and zesty and on the other hand I am suggesting that simplicity should be incorporated in life so what am I exactly talking about? Be patient (as in "having patience" not the other "patient" as in being sick!) and read on.

Why Simplicity?

  • What is your favorite food ? (Dont worry I cant read your mind so I wont know even if it is a sinful delicacy!) If you have your favorite food every other day it would cease to be a novelty and a coveted delicacy but what happens if you have normal food every day and have your favorite food once a while you will relish it more happily.
  •  Excess of luxuries and extravagances make you crave for more than what you can afford or get. They take away the zeal from life as you always want more than what you can obtain.
  • The joy obtained through simplicity is so precious that it cannot be bought with any amount of money and with any currency.
  • Simple living is a money saver and leaves you a sufficient bank balance to cater for your real need.                                                                                            

One very important point to be considered is each person has his or her own level of simplicity attainable which is also relative to his or her current state and condition.A multimillionaire born with a golden spoon may not be able to dress up and live in simplistic conditions overnight. (Though even if such a person who is famous dresses in rags it might become a style statement). Accept simplicity gradually, naturally and adopt it in the best way possible , the idea is to make life zealous and not to torture your mind and body. If you are mentally not ready for it just don't attempt it.

Simplicity in Food, Clothing and Shelter(Home).
I will mention simplicity in the three basic requirements of a human being namely Food, Clothing and Shelter. You may write to me about any other topics (the list is vast).

Simplicity in Food.
Remember the simple meal you cooked with the
ingredients available in your kitchen when some dear ones dropped in unannounced after ages? I remember more than one such meal how about you? Our body requires basic food in a simple form but we process and reprocess it, add loads of fats and trans fat , refrigerate it and do not have it fresh, add more unhealthy toppings and then we have it , What a waste of time and what a 
divergence from healthy living , can such a living be zesty? So let us think of adopting simplicity in food , of course extravagance is allowed once a while otherwise we will not be able to stick to it as greed and temptations will refrain  us from doing so.
 You may read the post about controlling greed to get a clearer picture HERE and then continue reading.

Simplicity in Clothing.

One famous film personality from Bollywood whose dressing style is aped by younsters states that he maintains a limited wardrobe and according to him if you are fit then anything will look good on you.  absolutely agree with him don't   you? Imagine if person from a film industry can follow this anyone can. Get rid of the unwanted stuff , sometimes we don't have énough space in our closet for necessary clothes because it's filled with non wearable clothes which we have hoarded for some reason or the other. Avoid buying new stuff unless it is really required. If you do not have the facility of frequently being able to wash and iron then of course it goes without saying that you have to stock up your wardrobe adequately.

Now coming to the expense of clothes.How can a dress made of fabric cost lakhs unless it is made of gold and other precious stones and even then we cannot wear the same dress again and again. Of course some professions demand an extravagance in clothes  but I am sure moderation can be exercised. You may go for brands but for their quality and not for flaunting or for the name.

More to write on this topic of Simplicity for Zealouszestyliving. Will get back as soon as possible.I will leave you with this thought till then.

"Suits do not make Gentlemen"

Thank you for reading , please feel free to respond and 

take care. You may read the last point of this topic in the next post here.

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Sunday 20 October 2013

13. Aromatherapy for Zealouszestyliving.

Hello friends,
A very good day/night to you all. Today we will concentrate on Aromatherapy having known that any aroma which you like plays an important role in providing peace and paves the road to zealouszestyliving (the previous post of this blog).

Aromatherapy makes use of the volatile form of some plant components (flowers, bark, stems, leaves, roots etc.) and other aromatic compounds for altering a persons mental, cognitive or physical state. The volatile form of aroma compounds in the form of natural oils are known as "Essential Oils." 

This alternative medicine can be very effective in pain management when nothing works. It calms a depressed or anxious mind and promotes relaxation. Stress induced hair loss and skin diseases are also reduced by Aromatherapy. The therapeutic value of using oils in massage to reduce pain and illness was known since ancient Mediterranean civilization. 

How to use Aromas of Oils for a Therapeutic Effect.

The aromas of the oils have to be diffused in your environment in such a way that they linger for sometime at least till they reach your nostrils. 

  • The simplest way is to put a few drops on a clean handkerchief or tissue and place it near you, this is good specially if your other family members do not like a particular oil which you love like how I love eucalyptus oil but my family members do not.
  • You may also put a few drops of oil on a cotton ball and apply it to your temples.
  • Aromatic or scented oils are used in massage since ancient times. You can have an aromatic massage but please do ensure that the particular oil used is safe for external application and does not cause skin allergy.

  • You may add a few drops of the oil to hot water placed in a bowl, the heat vaporizes the oils and quickly diffuses them into the room.

  • You may use candle diffusers which look pretty and are less messy like the ones I have (see the pic below).

  • The small bowl is for the essential oils and is to be hung in the center of the larger one using the knob like edges. An oil lamp or candle will be placed in the hollow cavity to release the oil by heating the small bowl.

As you can see in the above pic the candle or flame in the lower portion of the diffuser gently heats the oil kept in the bowl like cavity provided above. In the dark light is also is emitted through the holes which you can see in the second pic which is the backside view.

(Psst.... I admit that when I picked them I didn't even know their use and did so just because they looked cute much against my agenda on being simple and not buying unwanted things (the next post on simplicity) but now since it is a wanted thing I think you will excuse me.)

How the Oils Work

The aroma inhaled stimulates the brain function, the brain releases certain neurochemicals which generate mood enhancing feelings like calmness etc. If the aromas enter the body through the skin it travels through our bloodstream and heals the entire body.

Different Types of Oils

Lavender Oil which is used as an antiseptic helps in healing , has anti stress and sleep inducing properties. It is beneficial when you are suffering from insomnia due to pain as it relieves aches.

Lemon Oil has the ability to uplift the mood and is an antidepressant. 

Orange Blossom or Neroli Oil is useful to relieve tension and induce sleep and can be combined with lavender oil also.

Chamomile Oil has a calming effect on the nervous system and is helpful in inducing sleep. 

Eucalyptus Oil helps in providing some relief when you are having a cold. 

Peppermint Oil is an antidepressant .

Jasmine Oil helps to reduce anxiety and the whole place has a pleasant smell. 

Thyme Oil, Tea tree oil, Cinnamon Oil and Sage Oil are other Essential Oils used in Aromatherapy.

That's all for today. The information and views expressed in this blog are my own , if you find anything which appears to be what can be termed as wrong info please write to me. Thank you for reading this blog hope you find this tip on making life Zealous and Zesty useful. Take care and may the aromas of good health and happy living always spread into your life.
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Friday 18 October 2013

12. Aromas for Zealouszestyliving.

Hello friends, 
A very good day/night to you all.Today lets know the role that Aromas play on Zealouszestyliving. I thought of naming my post Aromatherapy , but I am actually referring to all kinds of smell, not only oils which are used for aromatherapy. So here we go.

(If you do not have the time/interest/are bored to read the entire post read the gist of the post in green color at the bottom ,before the quote in red)

If a whiff of aroma reminds you of the delicacies from your mom's kitchen and takes you back to happy memories of your childhood period you know what I am referring to. Some aromas may generate a happy feeling in you but some aromas in spite of belonging to the sweetest smelling flower in the whole world may generate an unhappy feeling. 

Your task is to identify and remember the aromas which generate a happy feeling in you. You may seek the help of family and friends specially the ones which know you from your childhood but most of the work is to be done by yourself. After you identify the pleasant aromas, try to have them around you often. You will be living your life with zeal and zest always!

Aromas of certain foods may remind you of the times you spent with your cousins, the special parties you had with your BFF(Best friends forever) group, the family outing you had or perhaps the special barbecue night ! Here the appetizing aroma of the food combines  with the memories of some dear person or a time spent happily and plays the role of providing a zeal for living.

Aromas which you find pleasing enter your body through tiny molecules via nostrils when you inhale and influence you mental well being and subsequently your physical well being in a positive manner.

 Some incense smells remind me of an ancient place of worship I had visited years ago, fragrance of certain soaps reminds me of a clean feeling, a cleanly washed bed sheet with the detergent smell still lingering on it gives me a zeal. Spices generate aromas too, especially when you dry roast them. The aroma of filter coffee riding on the steam it emits on a cold misty day is awesome. Herbs and even the soil gives out a peculiar aroma while you are watering the plants in your garden. And of course there are infinite number of flower fragrances which stimulate my mind. I just place a flower garland of jasmine or some flowers near my bedside while sleeping. The smell comes intermittently and hence we do not get used to it and can enjoy it for a longer period.

                               A rose  from my rose tree.
One more  sweet smelling rose


My list is endless and I take the pains to create and enjoy the aromatic joyful experience again and again. You can do it too.

Also you need not always go back to the past to find out the right aromas for zealouszestyliving. New aromas are around waiting for you to make your life zesty. (By the way have you smelled the rind of a lemon after squeezing out the juice, if yes then you will instantly know the meaning of "zest" without having to look it up in the dictionary). But as I have mentioned before to each his own. So trap the aromas which you find pleasing, if they belong to flowers all the more easy as you can fill your flower vase and have them in your living room along with some floating candles.

So in short identify the aromas and fragrances which you find pleasing, recreate them in your immediate environment and have them work on you to make your life zealous and zesty simply by stimulating you through your olfactory senses. 

 Bye for now and thank you for reading this blog. More about aromas, may be we will concentrate on aromatherapy(oils) etc. next time.

Ponder on this aromatic thought by Henry David (Poet and philosopher) till then.

"Behave so that the aroma of your actions may enhance the general sweetness of the atmosphere." 


Friday 20 September 2013

11. Walking for Zealouszestyliving

Hi friends,
A very good day/night to you all. Walking is something we do from the moment we get up in the morning. Even the laziest of persons has to get up and walk to carry out his or her daily routines. So whats the big deal is a question which would arise in our minds. The deal in this simple form of exercise is indeed big my friends , let's know how.

Walking a Big Deal for Zealouszestyliving.
  • This is an exercise suitable for all ages.
  • This is an exercise most suitable for people who cannot do any vigorous exercising. It is safer then running or other form of exercise as it does not stress your knees.
  • People who are lazy and wish to change can be initiated into a fitness routine with walking.
  • You can start walking without any major investment in sports wear. A comfortable pair of shoes and clothes are sufficient to enable you to start your walks.
  • It is not like gymming, weight training etc. where stopping it will cause a muscle loss or weight gain.
  • There is not much of a dependence on trainers as in case of group exercises.
  • There is no restriction of time in going for a walk, you can walk (a leisurely stroll) right after a meal unlike exercising , yoga, swimming etc. (But if you want to go for a brisk walk then it is better to avoid it after a heavy meal.)
  • Walking clears your mind. Creative and useful thoughts are conceived while walking.
  • Walking is good to delete depressive thoughts, reduces blood pressure and is good for your heart.
  • Regular walking over a long period improves your stamina and muscle strength.
  • It strengthens the bones and improves bone density in fact just the other day a doctor mentioned it and since then the delightful advantages of walking has been tempting me to restart my brisk walks. 
  • You may continue to enjoy leisurely strolls with the morning or evening environmental delights say like the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, other sounds from the nature or sounds from your immediate environment, the fresh air etc. In case you become more serious, move on to jogging, running, race walking, speed walking etc. but only if your health permits the choice is totally yours but in this case it is better to get some expert guidance.
  • You can get your free dosage of vitamin D from the sun from your morning walk.

Pampered Walking

As you become more serious in your walking you can equip yourself with a pedometer which will count your steps,distance and even speed. Use earphones to hear some music if you prefer them to natural sounds. 

A walking log book or journal recording the number of steps,time speed, distance traveled etc.  would also suffice. Remember to carry your water bottle and a napkin.

Psst..... Come near the computer screen, let me share a secret with you , I have written this post for me and me alone. I always used to go for a brisk walk along with my gym routine daily so that morning and evening both had some form of exercise but I have stopped walking as in going specifically for a walk (disregard the walk to my gym or for any other jobs) and I want to start it again. I do not consider walking on a treadmill which I do anyways calculating my target heart rate etc. a substitute for a simple walk outdoors though I enjoy that too.

Thank you for reading this blog, I will publish this post only after I start my walking once again, so if you are reading this it means I am onto walking again. Hope this post has motivated you in some way or the other and filled your life with zeal, walking will add the zest to it. Do write to me about it if it has. Take care of your health and always be fit and fine.
Here's a quote on walking just for you,

"Walking is man's best medicine."


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Friday 12 July 2013

10. Curbing Emotional Eating for Zealouszestyliving

Hello Friends,
A very good day/night to you all. As mentioned in earlier posts our mind controls most of our actions including our desire to reach out for food and to eat it. 

 Ideally speaking when we are hungry we should reach out for food and that too healthy food. But this does not happen as we let our emotions dictate the time and type of food we eat, this is what can be termed as Emotional Eating.  Years ago (kilos ago) I started putting on weight gradually due to Emotional Eating and I was actually unaware of it. I did a lot of things to shed off the extra weight , gave up at times , got back to my schemes once again and so on, always the sincerity level of my efforts were inversely proportional to my weight. You will love to read about those campaigns but I leave that for some other time or some other post as we have to get back to the topic of Emotional Eating. 

Emotional Eating can take the form of binge eating, skipping food when you should be actually eating, eating later which leads to overeating, reaching out for over the counter unhealthy food or eating  mindlessly the food which is unsuitable for you .( That is if you have a high B.P. having high sodium, salty stuff, if you have high cholesterol having stuff which will increase it etc.)

Reasons for Emotional Eating.

  • Sometimes we are hungry but too tired so we devour the first thing which we see or which is easily available. Couple tiredness with having to take efforts in cooking for yourself and we have a foolproof formula for Emotional eating.
  • Some people can follow a strict diet regimen while at work , away from home. But when they reach home at the end of a tiring day , they are physically and mentally exhausted and also hungry so they go into an eating spree before attacking the household work which awaits them.
  • Being upset over some silly issue makes you either binge or the preoccupied state of mind makes you miss your meals. Either way this is bad irrespective of whether you are overweight, underweight, have some health issues or have good health parameters.
  • Some foods which you like give you a feeling of comfort so you eat though you are not hungry and to deal with your insecurities. Comfort eating results in chubby happy type of people who will soon be tumbling after-   their downhill moving health parameters.

  •  Nearly one eighth of the world population do not have enough to eat on one hand and and more than that are overweight and obese due to overeating. We know this and to avoid wastage of food we use our body as a garbage can putting away calories of food which we do not require. 
  • The sight of a tempting goody makes some eat when not hungry. One of my friends who sights anything tempting, even from the corner of her eye makes it her business to devour it. Her size is a witness to my statement.
  • Sometimes people eat JTP(Just for time pass) this is very dangerous and it means you do not have anything meaningful to do or are whiling away time avoiding your duties due to laziness.
If you can think of any other reasons please feel free to add. Most of the times even after we realize that we a into Emotional Eating  we cannot pin point the reason. 

Curbing Emotional Eating

Of course the best way to avoid getting into emotional eating is to control your emotions in the first place and train your mind not to get into an emotional eating spree under any circumstance. This is a difficult task and while you master it there are relatively easier means to control Emotional eating like:

  • Learn to identify real hunger that is when you are hungry and should be eating and then think of eating as opposed to wanting to pounce on eatables after you sight them or after you think of them.
  • Ponder on your feelings when you binged so that you can avoid a repeat episode or episodes of bingeing.
  • Avoid stocking unhealthy stuff in your kitchen and refrigerator.
  • Always stock up sufficient healthy snacks and foodstuff of your choice.So when you reach home after a tiring day there is always some healthy goody waiting for you. Even if you are at home and not working this will come in handy.
  • If some food is too tempting or forbidden for you but you have to have it in your house say for other family members, do not keep it in the range of your vision.
  • There are many other ways of avoiding wastage of food like sharing it with the needy, cooking only the desired quantity etc. as compared to stuffing yourself.
  • Do not eat when you are upset at the same time do not skip meals when you are upset.
  • Try to solve your insecurities instead of turning to comfort foods when you are not hungry otherwise it will add to your set of problems by spoiling your health as you will have one more thing to worry. Comfort eating is actually good if the food in question is healthy and you are eating it at the right time and in the right quantity.
  • Plan your meals in advance especially when you know that you would be having a busy time ahead. 
  • Have timely meals.

 So, do you agree that emotional eating takes us away from a zealouszestyliving? And do you indulge in emotional eating too, or have you conquered it , please share your experiences. Thank you for reading and till the next post I leave you with this thought.

"Preserve and treat food as you would your body, remembering that in time food will be your body." -B.W. Richardson.

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