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Friday 18 October 2013

12. Aromas for Zealouszestyliving.

Hello friends, 
A very good day/night to you all.Today lets know the role that Aromas play on Zealouszestyliving. I thought of naming my post Aromatherapy , but I am actually referring to all kinds of smell, not only oils which are used for aromatherapy. So here we go.

(If you do not have the time/interest/are bored to read the entire post read the gist of the post in green color at the bottom ,before the quote in red)

If a whiff of aroma reminds you of the delicacies from your mom's kitchen and takes you back to happy memories of your childhood period you know what I am referring to. Some aromas may generate a happy feeling in you but some aromas in spite of belonging to the sweetest smelling flower in the whole world may generate an unhappy feeling. 

Your task is to identify and remember the aromas which generate a happy feeling in you. You may seek the help of family and friends specially the ones which know you from your childhood but most of the work is to be done by yourself. After you identify the pleasant aromas, try to have them around you often. You will be living your life with zeal and zest always!

Aromas of certain foods may remind you of the times you spent with your cousins, the special parties you had with your BFF(Best friends forever) group, the family outing you had or perhaps the special barbecue night ! Here the appetizing aroma of the food combines  with the memories of some dear person or a time spent happily and plays the role of providing a zeal for living.

Aromas which you find pleasing enter your body through tiny molecules via nostrils when you inhale and influence you mental well being and subsequently your physical well being in a positive manner.

 Some incense smells remind me of an ancient place of worship I had visited years ago, fragrance of certain soaps reminds me of a clean feeling, a cleanly washed bed sheet with the detergent smell still lingering on it gives me a zeal. Spices generate aromas too, especially when you dry roast them. The aroma of filter coffee riding on the steam it emits on a cold misty day is awesome. Herbs and even the soil gives out a peculiar aroma while you are watering the plants in your garden. And of course there are infinite number of flower fragrances which stimulate my mind. I just place a flower garland of jasmine or some flowers near my bedside while sleeping. The smell comes intermittently and hence we do not get used to it and can enjoy it for a longer period.

                               A rose  from my rose tree.
One more  sweet smelling rose


My list is endless and I take the pains to create and enjoy the aromatic joyful experience again and again. You can do it too.

Also you need not always go back to the past to find out the right aromas for zealouszestyliving. New aromas are around waiting for you to make your life zesty. (By the way have you smelled the rind of a lemon after squeezing out the juice, if yes then you will instantly know the meaning of "zest" without having to look it up in the dictionary). But as I have mentioned before to each his own. So trap the aromas which you find pleasing, if they belong to flowers all the more easy as you can fill your flower vase and have them in your living room along with some floating candles.

So in short identify the aromas and fragrances which you find pleasing, recreate them in your immediate environment and have them work on you to make your life zealous and zesty simply by stimulating you through your olfactory senses. 

 Bye for now and thank you for reading this blog. More about aromas, may be we will concentrate on aromatherapy(oils) etc. next time.

Ponder on this aromatic thought by Henry David (Poet and philosopher) till then.

"Behave so that the aroma of your actions may enhance the general sweetness of the atmosphere." 


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