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Sunday 3 March 2013

9. Controlling Wrong Food Temptations for Zealouszestyliving

Hi friends,
A very good day/night to you all. Today we will discuss as to how to trick Mr. Greed which comes in our way of healthy eating.
You may trick him by eating the tempting stuff in moderation , see to it that you are well stocked with other healthy goodies of your liking , ensure that the food is without trans fats , have a little of one kind of tempting stuff at a time instead of having a variety of sinful delicacies, stop making the impossible resolution to stop eating junk and breaking it the next instance as you will feel more tempted. Eat well in time before you are so famished that you tend to overeat specially the undesirable food. In this way there will be no place for greed to browse your thoughts.

 According to Dr. Deepak Chopra 'awareness eating' that is being aware of the six tastes- sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent and astringent is helpful. Sweet does not mean sugar it means low glycemic carbohydrates like vegetables and colored fruits. Bitter as in green leafy veggies, fenugreek and bitter gourd. Pungent of the spices and astringent from the lentils, beans etc. When these tastes are dealt with we refrain from craving for the wrong stuff and hence do not binge too.

If you are from the leaner category with a high metabolic rate and you think you can afford to eat all the sinful stuff giving in to "greed"  as you dont have to bother about calories , you are mistaken! Leaner people can have a high cholesterol, may get heart diseases, etc. You are luckier than your obese friends no doubt , you dont have to count your calories but choosing healthier stuff will increase your lifespan and prevent you from falling sick frequently and keep you away from weakness.

What do you think? Do write to me.It is really good to know that not only people from India but lots of people from USA, Russia, Germany, and few people from UK, Korea, France, Philippines , Malaysia, people from countries like Romania, Finland, Ukraine of which I know little are also reading this blog , kindly share your own experiences which may or may not be exclusive to your region. Thank you for reading this blog and making the time spent on this blog worth each and every second. More next time.


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