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Friday 20 September 2013

11. Walking for Zealouszestyliving

Hi friends,
A very good day/night to you all. Walking is something we do from the moment we get up in the morning. Even the laziest of persons has to get up and walk to carry out his or her daily routines. So whats the big deal is a question which would arise in our minds. The deal in this simple form of exercise is indeed big my friends , let's know how.

Walking a Big Deal for Zealouszestyliving.
  • This is an exercise suitable for all ages.
  • This is an exercise most suitable for people who cannot do any vigorous exercising. It is safer then running or other form of exercise as it does not stress your knees.
  • People who are lazy and wish to change can be initiated into a fitness routine with walking.
  • You can start walking without any major investment in sports wear. A comfortable pair of shoes and clothes are sufficient to enable you to start your walks.
  • It is not like gymming, weight training etc. where stopping it will cause a muscle loss or weight gain.
  • There is not much of a dependence on trainers as in case of group exercises.
  • There is no restriction of time in going for a walk, you can walk (a leisurely stroll) right after a meal unlike exercising , yoga, swimming etc. (But if you want to go for a brisk walk then it is better to avoid it after a heavy meal.)
  • Walking clears your mind. Creative and useful thoughts are conceived while walking.
  • Walking is good to delete depressive thoughts, reduces blood pressure and is good for your heart.
  • Regular walking over a long period improves your stamina and muscle strength.
  • It strengthens the bones and improves bone density in fact just the other day a doctor mentioned it and since then the delightful advantages of walking has been tempting me to restart my brisk walks. 
  • You may continue to enjoy leisurely strolls with the morning or evening environmental delights say like the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, other sounds from the nature or sounds from your immediate environment, the fresh air etc. In case you become more serious, move on to jogging, running, race walking, speed walking etc. but only if your health permits the choice is totally yours but in this case it is better to get some expert guidance.
  • You can get your free dosage of vitamin D from the sun from your morning walk.

Pampered Walking

As you become more serious in your walking you can equip yourself with a pedometer which will count your steps,distance and even speed. Use earphones to hear some music if you prefer them to natural sounds. 

A walking log book or journal recording the number of steps,time speed, distance traveled etc.  would also suffice. Remember to carry your water bottle and a napkin.

Psst..... Come near the computer screen, let me share a secret with you , I have written this post for me and me alone. I always used to go for a brisk walk along with my gym routine daily so that morning and evening both had some form of exercise but I have stopped walking as in going specifically for a walk (disregard the walk to my gym or for any other jobs) and I want to start it again. I do not consider walking on a treadmill which I do anyways calculating my target heart rate etc. a substitute for a simple walk outdoors though I enjoy that too.

Thank you for reading this blog, I will publish this post only after I start my walking once again, so if you are reading this it means I am onto walking again. Hope this post has motivated you in some way or the other and filled your life with zeal, walking will add the zest to it. Do write to me about it if it has. Take care of your health and always be fit and fine.
Here's a quote on walking just for you,

"Walking is man's best medicine."


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