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Wednesday 20 November 2013

17. Tidying the mind for Zealouszestyliving

Hello friends,
A very good day/night to you all. In my previous post on tidiness I mentioned about being tidy in the office and house. 
How about tidying the mind ? The mind is a maze of thoughts and has to be tidied periodically just like the immediate environment of our house, workplace, computer and online activities etc. I am not referring to meditation and peace which I have mentioned in an older post, though tidying the mind is also one of the ways leading to achieving mental peace.

Need to tidy the mind

  • Memories of sad and bad experiences and happenings from our past which cannot be reversed seep into our mind when we least expect and we get caught into them, this makes our lives zeal less 
  • Memories of our mistakes which has caused us a severe loss in some way or the other disturb us 
  • Our behavior towards others is abnormal when our mind is saturated and not typically "us" so others may wonder what's got onto us    especially since they cannot read our mind.

How to tidy the mind(5 tips)
  1. Always keep yourself occupied in some way or the other. Since an idle mind is said to be a devils workshop,  let's assume that an occupied mind is an angel's abode .
  2. Concentrate on the job at hand even if it is some leisurely activity. Many a times we are watching the tele but our mind is somewhere else.
  3. Do not procrastinate, immediately move on to your next chore or if you aren't up to doing some specific thing pick up a leisurely activity immediately.
  4. Trim thoughts like the way you trim plants and shrubs only then the good leaves and flowers of useful thoughts will bloom. What I mean is cut the stream of a negative thought gently after a while and end it the best way possible.e.g. When the stream of thoughts of a deceased person whom I miss dearly enters into my mind, before it can drift into the sequential negativity of me feeling that things would have been different had the death not occurred,   I trim it and end it thinking that the person concerned must be watching from above and being happy that me and my family members have come this far.
  5. This last tip is very difficult to follow , if you have been hurt by someone emotionally specially by someone outside your family or friend circle whom you cannot deal with. Forgive, forget or avoid the person or else keep a strategy ready in such a way that you do not permit the person to get back at you at the same time you are not vindictive. Otherwise you will be thinking day in and day out about such incidences and sulking.
 So friends are you with me when I say that a tidy mind will permit us to live with zeal and zest ? Thank you for visiting this blog and reading this far, I hope you liked what you read. Please write to me about your feelings on this topic and take good care of your mind.
I bid adieu for now leaving you to ponder upon this lovely quote with a deep meaning.

"Be careless in your dress if you will, but keep a tidy soul." ------Mark Twain.


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