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Monday 2 December 2013

18. Getting up Early for Zealouszestyling

Hi friends,
A very good day/night to you all. People fall in two categories based on their rising habits. One kind of species commonly found mostly in the older generation are early risers and most of the species from gen x consider getting up early a not so cool thing Anyway they wonder how parents expect them to get up early after sleeping so late either studying or partying 

I have always being an early riser since childhood. And I have tried experimenting getting up late too and I think being an early riser suits me better. But my early rising stops at 5.30 a.m. By the way the whole aim of writing this is to motivate myself to get up at 4.00 a.m. everyday. There is a lot of creative work for which I cannot create the right atmosphere as the day unfolds and I have used this golden hour time frame previously rather fruitfully so I know how beneficial it can be. 


My reasons for not immediately turning into an early 4. a.m riser.........
  • My trick of keeping the alarm far away cannot work because it's just 4.00 and I still have 1 full hour in hand so without much thought I hit and shut off the damn thing. (Some smarter trick for getting up early anyone?)
  • Was up late the previous night so if I get up soo early I will feel drowsy in the day time.
  • If I don't catch up on the required amount of beauty sleep my dark circles will become darker. 
  • What if it triggers Sleep Apnea ?

  • Lack of sufficient amount of sleep will make me put on weight. (Too much sleep also makes one put on weight).
  • What if I were to oversleep later and miss my Gym ( OMG).
Excuses and excuses....... so let me try getting up for a few days consistently at 4.00 a.m (should I make it 4.30 ?)  and see if any of the fears mentioned above are true, if yes I will accept that 5.30 is good enough for me.So if you want to get up earlier than your normal time or else are a set of lazybones (like many of my friends) who patronize late rising let's  go through the advantages of getting up early. May be it might have a positive effect on at least some of you reading it if not me.

5 Benefits of rising early.

  1. More hours to work. One hour per day gives you 7 extra hours per week which can be utilized to do things which you love.   
  2. Whole day is in our hand to plan and execute our agenda unlike the night time when even if you remember some pending jobs you have limited time at your disposal.
  3. You can work without any disturbance. I have done a lot of craft work like emboss painting, writing etc in the wee hours of morning.
  4. Our biological clock is perfectly tuned so life processes like excretion, digestion, respiration, nutrition etc are pat on time and carried out more efficiently and hence we have lesser health issues. (Keep it up early risers we are in harmony with the nature's cycles.)
  5. More ideas flow in the mind , specially when you are into creative writing.

Well these are my thoughts about getting up early  and also the reasons one should get up early if you have some more reasons kindly share with me. Here are two quotes on rising early.

"I never knew a man come to greatness or eminence who lay abed late in the morning."---- Jonathan Swift.

"It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth and wisdom."----Aristotle(Philosopher)

(Wow wealth and wisdom too in addition to health!  )

Thank you for reading.

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